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Chengdu IFS, is strategically located at the intersection of three major commercial roads – Hongxing Road, Dacisi Road and Beishamao Street, the busiest pedestrian shopping area of Chengdu, China. The Era of Splendor is a book project featuring the True Beauty of Chengdu IFS, we used 4 untraditional ways to reveal its unique definitions to architecture, The Extension of Space, Reflections of Light, Kaleidoscopic Life and Future of City. Thanks #LWK&Partner for the greatest flexibility on site and thanks for their freedom, let us be creative to explore IFS.
今次非常榮幸參與到成都鏡像-《 IFS的時代光華》的企劃,感謝 #LWK&Partner在現場給予我非常大的自由,讓我去捕捉IFS建築的美。也感激他們的信任,讓我們自由創作及把IFS的美以4大方向呈現。今天,讓我帶大家先走進IFS的文化層面及了解項目背後的歷史因素。
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